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Talk to us

If you would like to share your experience with Tipi emotional regulation, what it has liberated in your life, the impact it has had on your health, your relationships, your work, then write to us or send us your audio testimony to Claire will receive your stories!

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If you would like to contribute to the development of Tipi emotional regulation in the world through a partnership, please write to us at Raphaëlle will contact you very quickly!

Find a professional

If you want to meet with a Tipi certified professional you can find out more at Get professional help

Find a training

If you want to train yourself to regulate your own emotions and/or help your family to regulate their emotions, or if you want your children to learn to regulate their emotions by themselves, go to the “Do it yourself“page and you will find all the necessary information, as well as the teachers at your disposal.

If you would like to know more about our training programmes for professionals, have you visited our special website for professionals? If not, we invite you to explore it:

Subscribe to us

We run a monthly e-newsletter packed full of useful information to help you with your emotional regulation and tell you about services or opportunities that you may want. You can subscribe here:

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